Core values are like the roots on a strong oak tree that hold everything in place. The roots feed the nutrients to the rest of the tree and help determine the future of that tree. Our core values are like those roots. Our values hold us in place and determine who we become.  At Living Hope Church Stamford, there are three key values that feed the nutrients into the life of our church.

Love God

God is the maker, master and motivation of the church. Loving God comes from an ongoing personal and community experience with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Genuine faith results in brokenness, surrender, holiness, worship, and obedience (John 14:15-24).


Love People

The love that God’s people have for the poor, orphan, widow, and alien has biblically and historically been a distinguishing mark of following the One True God. Loving people requires proximity, time, and investment to restore people and communities to the way God originally intended (Luke 10:29-37).

Make Disciples

Making disciples is the mission of the church. It begins with sharing the gospel but involves much more. Certainly teaching doctrine is involved, but discipleship is caught more than taught. Discipleship results from doing life together with someone else as you follow Jesus (2 Tim. 2:2; Phil. 4:9).